Tamron Hall Returning To TV With Daytime Talk Show — News One

Fans were disappointed when Tamron Hall departed NBC’s “Today” show and MSNBC in February, under a cloud of controversy. But she’ll soon be back on air. Variety reports that Weinstein Television announced on Wednesday that it’s developing a daytime talk show featuring Hall, who will co-create, host and produce the program. Harvey Weinstein, the company’s…

via Tamron Hall Returning To TV With Daytime Talk Show — News One

Murder Is Up Again In 2017, But Not As Much As Last Year — Features – FiveThirtyEight

Big U.S. cities1 saw another increase in murders in the first half of 2017, likely putting them on track for a third straight year of rising totals after murder rates reached historic lows in 2014. So far, however, this year’s increase is considerably smaller than it was in each of the past two years; the…

via Murder Is Up Again In 2017, But Not As Much As Last Year — Features – FiveThirtyEight

Confederate President, Jefferson Davis’s Wife Was African American


The Ethnic Origins of Confederate First Lady Varina Howell Davis, Wife of Jefferson Davis.

(From robots in masquerade dot blogspot dot com)


Mrs. Jefferson Davis, First Lady of the Confederate States of America

Whenever one is addressing a controversial topic – in this case, the Confederacy – I believe it is important to immediately explain why.

When I was a college student (at a liberal institution in NY), a Southern professor came one year to deliver a lecture about why the Confederate flag should be embraced and she was booed off stage (and off campus) immediately after she started speaking.

I think that was wrong, mostly because we are pretty lucky that we don’t live in, say the Soviet Union or Saudi Arabia, places where an individual does not even have a basic right to express their opinion or to live and practice religion (or other cultural traditions) as they…

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BLACK SOLDIERS IN NORMANDY’S D-DAY ASSAULT: Known, Unknown and “Invisible,” Still

"Talking Drum Dialogues" (formerly 'Backstreet Djeli's Blog')

By W.D. Smither

Backstreet Djeli 5

“I am the Unknown Soldier

And maybe I died in vain,

But if I were alive and my country called,

I’d do it all over again.” (From “The Unknown Soldier,” by Billy Rose)

The first thing one notices when visiting the Richmond National Cemetery, for U.S. Military Veterans, is the long, clean rows of marble grave markers smartly aligned, as if at “parade rest,” readied for military in-ranks inspection and review. It’s part of the nation-wide network of hallowed burial grounds for veterans. These particular grounds lie within the Civil War fortification lines constructed by the Confederate army in its defense of this former “Capitol of the Confederacy.” It’s also where the remains of my wife’s dad are interred, following his service during the World War II, D-Day assault and an exemplary civilian family life, afterwards.

Unknown Soldier

The “Known” and “Unknown”

On Memorial Days, the second thing you…

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Dalam 4-5 Hari Perut kempes ayo buktikan


Yana Handayana


Memiliki perut rata mungkin menjadi dambaan Anda yang kini hanya angan-angan saja. Apalagi jika Anda tidak melakukanlatihan fisik karena sibuknya pekerjaan, dan hanya mengandalkan batasan asupan makanan sehari-hari saja.

Tapi ahli gizi Cynthia Sass membuat resep minuman yang akan membakar lemak di perut dalam waktu singkat, hanya empat hari saja. Minuman menakjubkan untuk meratakan perut ini disebut sebagai “Sassy Water”.

Minuman lezat dan ajaib ini dinamai seperti penciptanya. Air Sassy adalah minuman yang sangat kuat dan juga dapat menyegarkan, merevitalisasi, mengandung kalori yang rendah, membantu gas keluar dari tubuh, dan menenangkan sistem pencernaan.

Dan untuk memiliki perut rata, penting bagi Anda juga untuk menghindari permen, makanan ringan (snack), makanan berminyak selama 4 hari, dan pastikan Anda minum Sassy Water. Dianjurkan untuk makan buah-buahan dan sayuran yang mengandung sejumlah besar air seperti melon, semangka, dan lainnya. Alasan di balik itu adalah untuk menghindari terjadinya sembelit dan perut kembung.

Penasaran apa…

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Images of Miscarriage Used by Anti’s Against Planned Parenthood

Interesting … !!!

Pro-Abortion is to be Pro-Life

Planned Parenthood has been under constant attack by the extremist group made up of anti-abortionists, anti-choice (or as I prefer to more accurately call them, antilife) and of course, anti-women (even if they are women themselves). Just as anti’s attempt to lie to women about how bad a woman is for terminating an unwanted pregnancy (which is not true), how we are murdering a child (not true) and are evil (again, untrue).

And just as they have gone to extreme lengths to create fake clinics such as Crisis Pregnancy Centers, where abortion isn’t an option to discuss but lies and deception are working at full force; they still have not failed us in these attacks on Planned Parenthood as they are nothing more than falsified videos, highly edited in an attempt to make people want to rid America of the help Planned Parenthood brings.


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